Latest News
Nov/2024 Physike system installed in the Chen lab.
Nov/2024 Group retreat in Anji.
May/2024 Farewell, Bosai. Enjoy research in Swiss!
Apr/2024 Our new paper on Chern insulator in tetralayer graphene with spin-orbit coupling is published on Science. Congradulations to Yating, Jian, Kai and all collaborators! Very beautiful work from a simple idea.
Nov/2023 Our new paper on tetralayer graphene is published on Nature Nanotechnology. Congradulations to Kai, Jian and all collaborators!
Nov/2023 Group retreat in Xiamen.
June/2023 Farewell, Haodong, Jinxv and Liuyi. Enjoy the coming graduate research in Canada, UK and CAS.
Nov/2022 Wire bonder installed in the Chen lab.
Oct/2022 Group retreat on Chongming Island.
Aug/2022 Oxford system installed in the Chen lab.
Mar/2022 New paper on spectroscopic evidence of strongly correlated states in ABC-trilayer graphene moiré superlattices is published in Science. Collaborative work with Long Ju group at MIT.
Feb/2022 Dilution fridge! The dilution refrigerator is successfully settled down in the Chen lab. Great work by Jian and all group members.
Jan/2021 Winter internship. Three students from Shandong University join our internship program, thanks for their participation and contribution.
Autumn/2021 Group retreat in Disney Land.
Oct/2021 Guorui is elected as “Innovators under 35” Pacific Asia.
Aug/2021 The 2K system is successfully installed in the Chen lab.
Jul/2021 Summer internship. Eight students from Shandong University join our internship program, thanks for their participation and contributions.
Jan/2021 Winter internship. Four students from Shandong University join our internship program, thanks for their participation and contributions.