Welcome to Guorui Chen Group!

We are an experimental research group affiliated with School of Physics and Astronomy, Shanghai Jiao Tong University. We are interested in novel electronic states emerging from the dimension, correlation, and topology in condensed matter, especially in two dimensional materials (graphene and beyond) and their van der Waals heterostructures. To explore the quantum phases, we use the modern state-of-the-art semiconductor device fabrication techniques, and probe by electrical transport measurement at low temperature and high magnetic field. Exploring new materials, new techniques and new physics is the core of our research.

Latest News

Nov/2024 Physike system installed in the Chen lab.

Nov/2024 Group retreat in Anji.

May/2024 Farewell, Bosai. Enjoy research in Swiss!

Apr/2024 Our new paper on Chern insulator in tetralayer graphene with spin-orbit coupling is published on Science. Congradulations to Yating, Jian, Kai and all collaborators! Very beautiful work from a simple idea.

Nov/2023 Our new paper on tetralayer graphene is published on Nature Nanotechnology. Congradulations to Kai, Jian and all collaborators!

Nov/2023 Group retreat in Xiamen.

June/2023 Farewell, Haodong, Jinxv and Liuyi. Enjoy the coming graduate research in Canada, UK and CAS.

Nov/2022 Wire bonder installed in the Chen lab.

Oct/2022 Group retreat on Chongming Island.

Aug/2022 Oxford system installed in the Chen lab.

Mar/2022 New paper on spectroscopic evidence of strongly correlated states in ABC-trilayer graphene moiré superlattices is published in Science. Collaborative work with Long Ju group at MIT.

Feb/2022 Dilution fridge! The dilution refrigerator is successfully settled down in the Chen lab. Great work by Jian and all group members.

Jan/2021 Winter internship. Three students from Shandong University join our internship program, thanks for their participation and contribution.

Autumn/2021 Group retreat in Disney Land.

Oct/2021 Guorui is elected as “Innovators under 35” Pacific Asia.

Aug/2021 The 2K system is successfully installed in the Chen lab.

Jul/2021 Summer internship. Eight students from Shandong University join our internship program, thanks for their participation and contributions.

Jan/2021 Winter internship. Four students from Shandong University join our internship program, thanks for their participation and contributions.